Crisis Communications Basics -- 5 "Different" Messaging Strategies During the Coronavirus Crisis

A famous Warren Buffett quote claims that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. Importantly, Buffett explains, “If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

    -- Warren Buffett

“Differently” during a crisis is a challenge—exactly the right move, but countered by the fact that people hate change. Crises are centered on change and uncertainty. Most leaders are not going to want to respond differently when they don’t have a clear indication of what is happening now, let alone later.


 What COVID-19 is proving by the minute is that communications is more important now than ever before, even though up until a week or so ago (at least in the US), most people probably assumed that we had more communications than ever before in human history.

Having all the communications channels in the world doesn’t matter if no one is paying attention to the message.

 5 things to do “differently” during this crisis:

  • Be compassionate – Real people (including you) are facing unprecedented transformation.

  • Be authentically empathetic – Given the uncertainty, be authentic in representing the situation and its consequences for your organization, business, community, and society.

  • Be direct – No time for sugarcoating or platitudes. Tell your communities—and your employees—what you know and what they need to know as new information becomes available.

  • Be flexible – All we know for certain is that the scope is extraordinary. Rethink what you assumed and try to keep the first point in mind, these are human beings you’re communicating with.

  • Be attentive – In the recent past, record numbers of people have rallied to charitable causes in times of crisis. Look for (safe) ways to help. What is the opposite of hoarding toilet paper? Do that…

Organizations spend an incredible amount of time, effort, and person hours creating relationships with all their stakeholders. It is paramount to create “different” communications and marketing efforts now as the world truly begins an era that may call for the complete overhaul of humankind’s foundational principles and beliefs.